Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WWBC? - Next Food Network Star - Ep. 2

Two episodes in and I am already yelling at the TV.

The quickfire this time was an Esquire Magazine challenge. Cook something using "bachelor" ingredients. Alot of them were RIDICULOUSLY easy pairings. Pork chops and coffee, Rib Eye and Maple syrup, T-bone and whiskey, Lamb rack and corn flakes. But there were 2 that were real punches in the gut. Ground beef and pickles and Chicken and maraschino cherries. Seriously, not easy, but these are the ones I narrowed it down to because of that!

Flipped a coin and the winner is Ground beef and Pickles!

First thing that runs thru my head, like on the show, was a burger. No can do. Second thought run on the meatloaf route but I think that sits in the burger realm. After that I turn to a beef patty but it is not enough time if there is no dough ready to go.

What about an awesome sloppy joe? That actually might throw them off JUST enough to get by.

UnSloppy Sloppy Joe with pickled slaw

- Ground beef sauteed in a skillet, drained and tossed with spice mix
- red onion sauteed in the fat, pincage(brown the tomato paste) them

- deglazed with tomato water from the tomatoes you chop up and a couple you squeeze out

- add tomato paste and sauce to the pan, and get it bubbling and turn it down to a simmer.

- season sauce and get it reducing quick as you can.

- Once you are here, drain the pickles and keep the brine, add acids, salt, sugar and lemon juice to revive and toss it to wilt the cabbage, carrots, onions and cucumber.

- Season up the reduced tomato sauce and add TO ground beef so you can keep it REALLY think, only coating the beef lightly enough to hold it together.

- Get it on a bun, taste and plate the slaw.

This one is not elegant to say the least, but they always say to cook what you love and I love me some sloppy joes!

Seems no one wanted to see the duck, anyone vote to see this one made and put up here for you to try?

1 comment:

  1. Unslop the slop is a good idea but I definitely want to try the duck, and you know I can get you some good duck!
