Monday, August 17, 2009

My world has come full circle.

I think I might have to start celebrating an anniversary on the the 16th of August every year.

A day so ground breaking and important to my that it is not ETCHED in my mind forever.

This day my friends . . .

I made my own BACON and HOT DOGS!

Yes, it is true. 2 of my most favorite things in the the culinary world from my own 2 hands. Marinated, seasoned and ground the meats, pressed them into casing and at the end of the day smoked those bad boys. The bacon was cured last week and smoked this week. It was DELICIOUS!

Yeah we made some other stuff like some seafood mousseline and a killer goat cheese mousse hors d'ouvere but the killer was all the force meat makin'. Schezuan sausages will make their way to work tomorrow for everyone to enjoy.

This lesson was certainly best saved for last. I think if we had done this one in the beginning I might have thrown my hands in the air and just said . . . "I AM DONE! I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED EVERYTHING I CAN IMAGINE!" and the rest of my time would have been all downhill from then on.

This was one of for that we made that day. Thank you Chef Chris!

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