Monday, May 20, 2013

Is this the day The Great Googa Mooga died?

What a great idea!

Bands. Food. Fun.

Who in the world would not like that? An idiot. But here is the problem. A really shaky first year, and by shaky I mean DISASTROUS and a decent 2nd year capped off with a cancellation.

This year I was working with the M. Wells crew kicking out OYSTERS BOLOGNESE all day and it was a fun if not a bit too laid back day in prospect park. The bands I could hear were ok and the people attending the fair were pleasant and having a blast!

So Friday and Saturday were good and then Sunday was the end. It was forcasted to rain most of the day and kinda hard at some points. We all expected a slow day but we did not expect them to let 500 people get in line only to turn them away 30 minutes after the gates were to open. YIKES. So the almost riotous crowd was turned away and every vendor was left with at least a 1/3 of the food they had brought. With no way to donate anything, no way to really get it out of the park without spoiling everything the dumpsters began to quickly fill up. I can not even imagine the loss these other vendors are taking. At least we can use everything we had. Canned smoked oysters anyone? All of the pre-made food  that just had to be discarded is disgraceful. It is probably some insurance issue or fear of someone getting hurt in the mud or something but DAMN let the people eat. Trekking all the way out there, fists full of cash and empty stomachs it really is a wonder that no one flipped out. Well, I guess I am flipping out but I am one of the people that is going to have to shuck another 1,000 oysters this week.

All in all it is an outdoor festival. Weather is an issue as it always will be. Lollapalooza, Cochella, Bonaroo, et al. are susceptible to the elements and when it works it is awesome. I think they need a do over. Maybe give it a little while, let the vendors "forget" about all of the hard work, money and time they lost and see what happens.

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